Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sun. Aug. 15, 2010 (Andre Pekovich)

Andre Pekovich continued our series on Job by tackling the middle 16 chapters (from 15 - 31) noting that they are largely extensions of the previous arguments made in chapters 4 - 14. Each of the friends, Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar has three opportunities to make arguments to Job, and Job denies them all, continually noting that his real argument is not with his friends, but with God, who he cannot find to make his case to. Though the friends argue for a “cause and effect” God as most other biblical literature speaks of, Andre noted that this book seems written to counter that view. That’s not to say that Job himself does not believe in a “cause-and-effect” God; he expects that his faithfulness and righteousness will be repaid with God’s loyalty and justice. Andre introduced Martin Buber’s I - Thou distinction in our relationship with God, noting we tend to simplify the world in an I - It fashion, making other people, including God, simple machines that do work when properly requested. Buber insisted that the relationship between people or between God and man is more balanced, more I - Thou, and not based on cause and effect. This inspires humans to a deeper level of worship and faithfulness to God. Thus is God invited to return righteousness with his blessing, without expectation, always leaving room for choice and evil to deepen the bond. [AP] Listen to the sermon audio MP3 recording from Sunday, August 15th, 2010 using your browser's preferred media player.



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