Sunday, November 4, 2012

Sun. Nov. 4, 2012 (Don Teichroeb)

Don Teichroeb spoke on the topic, "Toward an Inclusive Theology of Love". Many people, including some nonbelievers, agree that 'God is love', but many of us place limitations on this love, questioning how even God can love people when they purposely sin (a harsh Old Testament stance in which I was unfortunately raised). In Matthew 12.28-34, Jesus identified the two greatest commandments: (1) love God, and (2) love others as yourself--ideas articulated in Deuteronomy 6 and Leviticus 19. As intellectuals in the Jewish tradition grappled with the Law and the prophets, some attempted to distil the essence of scriptures to a few pithy statements (as Jesus did in our morning's lectionary reading), while other intellectuals preferred to delve into thousands of explanatory comments. The writer of 1 John 4 gives an extensive explanation, telling how the God of love exercises love in concrete ways. This can lead us to understand that, if God is love and love is kind, therefore God is kind, etc. Don also cited the parables of the lost sheep, lost coin and lost son (stories which preceded our morning's reading) illustrate God's love toward us even when everybody else assumes that we are hopelessly lost. "We love, because God loves us, all of us." [JEK]

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