Sunday, December 27, 2009

Sun. Dec. 27, 2009 (Kevin Hiebert)

Kevin Hiebert used the Psalm 148 - a psalm calling us to praise God - to remind us of the marvels of God’s creation. Citing the “water above the heavens” (v.4) Kevin noted that at the time the belief was that the earth was covered with a water canopy, making the sky blue. In creating an immense universe, God commanded and it was done. Given the speed of light, it’s almost incomprehensible that the galaxy Andromeda is 2 million light years away. The account of Mary and Joseph finding Jesus in the temple makes us wonder what questions Jesus asked of the priests; did he ask why bad things sometimes happen to good people? Kevin concluded his message with the verses from Colossians where we are reminded that whatever we do, do it in the name of the Lord Jesus. (HN) Listen to the sermon audio MP3 recording from Sunday, Dec. 27th, 2009 using your browser's preferred media player.


Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sun. Dec. 13, 2009 (Janice Kreider)

Last Sunday Janice Kreider focused on the question “What should we do?” This was the question asked of John the Baptist in response to his calls for repentance. Politics, economics and religion were not working for the people. John told them that relying on their past and claiming Abraham as father was inadequate; his reply was similar to what Jesus taught later. (Jesus was a disciple of John) John demanded action: if you have two coats give one away, tax collectors are to collect no more than the amount prescribed, no extortion. Jesus enjoyed dinner invitations at the homes of some of these tax collectors where he told stories of joy. The good news is marked by joy – the joy of being part of a country where there are no poor. (HN) Joy is the most infallible sign of the presence of God. (Leon Bloy) Listen to the sermon audio MP3 recording from Sunday, Dec. 13th, 2009 using your browser's preferred media player.
