Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sun. Mar. 10, 2013 (Jenna Veenbaas)

Jenna Veenbass returned to PGIMF and used her oratorical gifts in a dramatic monologue of the story of Ruth. Aliens, famine, the difficult life for single women, poverty, are issues in this account. Due to a famine in the Bethlehem area a Jewish family moved to a neighbouring country to find work. The husband died, leaving Naomi and her sons. One of the sons married Ruth, a Moabite. Both sons died and only Ruth and Naomi were left. Naomi decides to return to her Jewish homeland and Ruth insists on accompanying her. They arrive in Bethlehem during the barley harvest and being poor Ruth goes to gather grain left from the harvest in a field belonging to Boaz, a distant relative of Naomi. Naomi instructs Ruth to make herself appealing to Boaz; they marry and becomes the grandmother to Jesse, David’s ancestor. Jenna demonstrated that not every sermon needs a theological exposition; story telling with a dramatic effect brings the story to life. Thanks Jenna, for saying things well. (HN)

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