Sunday, September 1, 2013

Sun. Sept. 1, 2013 (Janice Kreider)

On the 27th anniversary of our Fellowship, Janice Kreider spoke on Jeremiah 2, focusing on verse 13 in which the prophet accuses Israel of relying on cracked cisterns which offered only stale water. Cisterns were often created from exposed rifts in rocks which filled when it rained but then became stagnant and eventually evaporated. Springs, on the other hand, offered the gift of pure water. Although springs were obviously preferred, cisterns were common in that arid landscape, even though they often went dry (Joseph and Jeremiah were both once held in dry cisterns.) Much of the writing attributed to Jeremiah is highly critical of the former temple, the arrogance of the religious leaders there and their belief that they were beyond God's judgement. The Sinai laws were not followed, resulting in the poor being bereft of support. Jeremiah accused the people of having as many gods as there were villages. Jeremiah also points out the pathos of God and the creation of a new covenant, God's love for the people despite their disobeying the old covenant. In what ways have we forsaken the ways of God? What cracked cisterns have we dug, patched up and relied upon for our national safety, especially as the G20 meets? Where are the artesian wells in our lives? [JEK]

Listen to the sermon audio MP3 recording from Sunday, September 1st, 2013 using your browser's preferred media player.



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