Sunday, July 6, 2014

Sun. July 6, 2014 (Jonathan Wilson)

Jonathan Wilson spoke on "Three Groanings" based on Romans 8:18-39. The groanings of creation range from earthquakes (Psalm 104:24-35) to the labour pains of a mother giving birth. The groanings of humankind are either cries of futility or reflect our longing for the fulfillment of our adoption as children of God, awaiting the redemption of our fragile bodies. The groanings of the Holy Spirit are wordless intercessory prayers on our behalf. The Christian church in Japan came together to respond to the triple disaster in Miyagi/Fukishima in 2011 (earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear contamination) by integrating their missions, drawing on the complementary good news of the social gospel and "soul winning" personal transformation. In faith, we look forward to the redemption of all creation through Jesus Christ. Echoing the prayers of the Japanese churches, may God give our bodies the stamina to take care of the Lord's earth and each other, and may the Holy Spirit help us to not fall back into old denomination divisions.

Listen to the sermon audio MP3 recording from Sunday, July 6th, 2014 using your browser's preferred media player.



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