Sunday, August 3, 2014

Sun. Aug. 3, 2014 (Heinrich Walde)

Heinrich Walde, Principal of Forum Brussels International, a chaplaincy service to the elected representatives and bureaucrats of the European Union in Brussels, spoke to the group from Psalm 46. Here, Heinrich gave us the inspiration that Martin Luther also found, and asked is God the same for us as it was for Martin Luther who also found solace in this Psalm? Heinrich asked if God’s credentials are visible to us in the words of the Psalm. Heinrich encouraged us to believe that this was so, and that God is the same in every generation. Persecuted Christians are our instruction today - they cry out, the Lord hears and saves. “The Lord will fight for you - you have only to be still.” (Ex. 14). Like the belltower of ancient Bruges, God remains the direction-finder for us today. [AP]

NOTE: The audio recording of this sermon is not available online.



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