Sun. Apr. 29, 2012 (David Mivasair)
Easter and Passover both teach redemption: the world does not need to continue as it is, Rabbi David Mivasair said on April 29th. Mivasair, the Rabbi at Vancouver’s Ahavat Olam congregation is a progressive and open-minded soul who is recognized for his compassionate teaching. Mivasair also provides chaplaincy services in Vancouver’s downtown east side at First United Church. Mivsair noted that the Rabbinic tradition has 613 divine commandments for Jewish people, but only two of those talk about what to pursue: seek peace and pursue it, and pursue justice. These are things we are to go out and create, he said. The experience of slavery in Egypt reminds us of the need for reparation – care for the stranger and the orphan – because you were slaves in Egypt. He described Passover as a model of how life can be, noting that the Bible talks about a Passover for all people. The promise of liberation and redemption is for everyone, he said. Citing Abraham’s negotiation with God about saving the righteous people in Sodom and Gomorrah, Mivasair maintained that a truly righteous person argues with God: arguing with God is what made Abraham stand out. Mivasair said we are God’s agents, acting out the godly drama: what is God trying to get you to do? “Seek, pursue, and engage,” were the Rabbi’s closing words. (HN)
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Listen to the sermon audio MP3 recording from Sunday, April 29th, 2012 using your browser's preferred media player.
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