Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sun. May 5, 2013 (Henry Neufeld)

Henry Neufeld told the story of a man who allowed modern social media to substitute for, or take over, the place of advice formerly given by friends and community. In this example, Henry noted the man turned the important decisions in his life over to a group of people he didn’t know but who “purchased shares” in an organization dedicated to telling him how to run his life. Through this lens, Henry examined Acts 12, noting Paul invested in Lydia’s life with her teaching, who returned to him her gift of hospitality - an investment in Paul’s life. The cripple at the Pool of Siloam had nobody to invest in his life, and remained crippled. Others today remain crippled with no desire to get well for they cannot imagine a life of accomplishment - their investment in their own misfortune is too high. Our church, with its committed members, invests in each others lives. Henry wonders if we could extend that by forming small groups connected by the Internet? Would we permit such an engagement in the decisions of our lives? What are our boundaries? [AP]

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